In respect to Thanksgiving tomorrow, I find it only appropriate to post about what I am most thankful for. My wishes and thoughts aren’t anything out of the ordinary, nor am I thankful for anything that most would find peculiar. There are simply two things that come to mind when I think about the past year and what my life has accomplished: the first being the GREAT FAMILIES I have been so blessed to have met and photographed. This I know is pretty simple, but weighing all the stats it is a huge feat as I have started this photographic journey only over a year ago. I will soon be celebrating 50 jobs and I can hardly believe I have come this far in such a short time. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOUJ
The second part of thanks is relatively simple as well… my family!
I am thankful for this spunky, stubborn, independent, blue eyed, dancing machine of mine. I am especially thankful for these two pictures of her, as well. If you knew my daughter you would understand, if you don’t, you just need to know she is a typical toddler and holds the attention span of a fly (and I do say that with all the love in my heart).
Here is proof of her "attention span ability"…
During a typical session she would rather look at airplanes…
Play with daddy, but she does have a heart of gold and will stop to see if he is ok after she accidently kicks him a good one to his head ;)
She would rather show affection to her “kitty” instead of my camera… This is the "kitty" in which she demanded be in her pictures or she wasn't taking any!
Or of course jumping is always fun, too…
So, you see now why I am sooo so very thankful for those two good pictures?!
Anyways, I am also so very thankful for her daddy.
Lastly, I am ever so thankful for our peanut due for appearance Mid-March. I just hope he/she is ready for a wild ride with our family :)
See, there is nothing out of the ordinary here! Simple thanks to be given for the simple things in life.
I wish all of you and your families the best holiday!