Remember sweet baby Layla? I did her newborn pictures a few months back. It seems like it wasn’t that long ago, but this blue eyed doll is almost 10 months old!? Layla was a pleasure to photograph as a newborn and her calm sense hasn’t changed a bit! She didn’t fuss, nor did she even cry! We got some great Christmas shots as well as some very cute giggles. Meet baby Layla a few months older J
Her momma threw on this adorable little ring for a few shots. Little Layle didn't even mind!
Anyone who has visited my blog before knows I am slightly obsessed with baby thighs. I LOVE everything about them! Layla in her Christmas tu-tu surely made her sweet little legs no exception ;)
You can surely see where she gets her baby blues!
After about a perfect hour of shooting, Layle decided we were done :)
On that note, I would like to wish Layla and her family a very Merry First Christmas!