This was my second session with the Shaffer Family and I enjoyed myself for so many reasons! Reason number one, their little guy shares a birthday with my baby girl. This is all too much fun for me because raising the girl portion of this birthday duo is totally different from the boy portion and it made me smile from ear to ear watching this little guy show me his favorite toys and ropes of their home. Reason number two, they have the sweetest baby girl! She was perfectly content watching her brother zing by and spoke the sweetest baby coos. It may be because I am expecting and am in total baby mode, but I didn’t want to put her down J I could go on forever, but I am sure you are ready to see the pictures. Without further ado here is the Shaffer family 6 months older!
I was totally in love with her “skinny jeans.” I wish I looked as cute in them as see did :)

I am still in love with this little man's hair/eye color combo!
Even though the little man isn’t looking in this next photo, I LOVE his arm around his sister’s neck!
The Shaffer Family!
I had to put this last one in here... It may not be the best lighting or photo, but I just adore it!