
My Girls :)

In my recent sabbatical I have come up with a lot of ideas. I will be the first to admit that some aren’t so great, but I will keep those to myself J I will however, share with you one that I think is ever so clever. It is pretty simple and essentially mindless, but I hope I remember to do it. I am attempting to take a picture of my girls together every month. I just need one… simple as that. Here is the hard part, at the end of each year I want to incorporate the pictures into a book so we can watch the girls grow in each passing month together. The first of the series will be the picture from my last post and below is the second of the series. I hope you enjoy!

Don't worry... for every 2 or 3 great pictures I have about 50 not so great ones! Here are just a few for chuckles... a great fish hook, my lovely off center and even a breakdown. These are a tribute for all you non believers who think they can't get their kids to pose. If I can get mine can do it, so can yours... just trust me on this one :)

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